Manas Pure Naturelle Organic, Herbal Hair Colour
We use a combination of 100% organic, herbal and natural botanicals to develop this chemical-free hair colour that encourages healthy hair. Through the use of natural pigments precursor botanicals including Henna, Indigo, Cassia, Aloe, Amla, Rubia, Hibiscus and more, there are absolutely no negative side effects when using this natural hair dye!
Each botanical plays an important part in not only adding that extra vibrancy to each colour,
but energizing your hair with the nutrients it needs for that silky shine! The Chamomile provides anti-irritant properties, Henna and Aloe offer a conditioning effect while enhancing the texture of the colour mixture and the fusion of Amla and Moringa make your hair soft and provide hair regeneration support.
Our additive-free hair dyes are water soluble, allowing them to quickly adhere to the hair cuticles in order to penetrate the cortex region of the hair. This allows natural oxidation to occur, giving your hair the vivacious colour that you deserve!
20 Exciting OrganicHerbal Hair Colours for You to Choose From
From platinum blond to midnight black and every shade in between, we have developed 20 stunning all-natural hair colours for you to choose from! No matter what your look is, we have a healthy and certified organic hair colour for you!
Chemical-Free Hair Colour
All of our Hair Colour products feature absolutely zero chemical ingredients, preventing your hair from both immediate and long-term damage. While most hair colour products include harmful additives such as synthesized pigment precursors, synthetic conditioners, Ammonia, Amine, Hydrogen Peroxide and more, when you buy from Manas Pure Naturelle you can be sure that you are receiving the highest quality all-natural hair colour products on the market!